My Unordinary Haven

Being back on the island Koh Phangan, I miss my solidarity on Koh Samui. I miss being at a cafe where there’s no chance of running into somebody I know, where I can be totally in my zone and not get interrupted. 

While I thought I’d been to almost everywhere on the island, the morning after I got back, I remembered there was a place that I’d been wanting to go. I had only seen it from the street. So I thought why not. 

I went and I was delighted! The cafe is very cozy and comfortable. Their menu is affordable. And they have the drink I like – Caramel Macchiato with soy milk. Oh my! I had been craving for that since Samui! Just like that, I found my little Samui on Koh Phangan. 

Their customers here are mostly Thai. Not many foreigners here. And nobody I know! I was so excited to have found this place and thought of posting an Insta story about it. But I stopped myself because I don’t want anybody else to know! Haha. Yes, the selfish me. 

I’ve been coming here every day since I first came. Today I came late. They close at 6pm but they let me be here as long as I want. So now I am sitting here, by myself, the cafe is closed, the street is buzzing. I thought to myself. This is my haven! I feel as if I am camouflaged into the background. Nobody can see me sitting here. I’ve been here for hours. Reading, working on my computer, watching the street, listening to music. My heart is filled with gratitude. I know it’s nothing, but these little things do fill my heart!

7pm @Tien Cafe in Ban Tai

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