Today I want to talk about Nowhere. Nowhere is a regional burn in Spain, set in the desert near Zaragoza. Around 3,500 burners attend this one-week-long event.
I just came back from my first Nowhere, which was also my first burn in Europe. Before the burn, there was a lot of anticipation and curiosity about how it would be. Nowhere is known as a sex-positive burn. I was quite curious about the ‘sex-positive’ aspect, imagining people having sex and orgies everywhere.
Avner and I took our time getting from Portugal to Spain, turning the trip into a road trip adventure. We stopped by a town called Oropesa and Madrid to visit friends and do some last-minute shopping.
Upon arriving at Nowhere, I was struck by the beautiful landscape of the Monegros Desert. We were immediately greeted by our campmates, learning everyone’s names, getting an orientation, and a tour of the camp. Our camp, Sheepy Ship, had a unique theme, as the name suggests: Sheep and Ship. Our camp members called ourselves sheep and greeted each other with “bahhhh bahhhh.” Our camp featured a sail, a viewing tower, a communal tent called the Lotus Tent, and an octopus art car. We had 36 people in our camp, mostly from Portugal, the Netherlands, and the UK. Thanks to our friends’ connections in Portugal, we got introduced to this camp.

Our Octopus art car created by Jorn @jornvanlieshout
The event itself is a lot smaller compared to the usual Burning Man I’m used to. Because it’s small, it’s very easy to bump into campmates and new friends. There’s a sense of intimacy and coziness that I found refreshing.
The highlight of my burn was definitely my campmates. I was pleasantly surprised by how amazing everyone in our camp was. It was so easy to strike up a conversation with anyone. I was reminded how important and incredible it is to be in a community with like-minded people, working together, and supporting each other in the harsh desert environment.

Sheepy Ship 2024
The most memorable part of the burn was Friday night. Many people gathered around a nearby mountain to watch the sunset. As the sun dipped below the horizon, we noticed a storm approaching. Lightning lit up the sky, and soon, rain began to pour. Avner and I, along with a few of our campmates, sought shelter and finally settled at a camp next to ours. We spent the night cracking jokes, sharing snacks, and watching the lightning storm – surrendering to the elements of nature while getting cozy in our little bubble.

Sunset at Nowhere
I finally understood what sex positivity means. There are many camps that provide sex-positive spaces and workshops. Normal societal taboos are removed, and people are allowed and invited to explore their sexuality, kinks, fantasies, and more. The sex-positive environment didn’t bother me much. Given the context, it felt normal to walk into a camp and see people openly having sex. Or people sharing about the threesomes they just had or the random sensual experiences they encountered. With an open mind, I found myself listening to these conversations and feeling happy for them having these radical experiences.

A glimpse of the workshops at Nowhere
I didn’t spend much time exploring workshops and orgies. Most of my time was spent at camp connecting with my campmates, getting stuff done around the camp, and cooking dinner for 30+ people.
I love Nowhere for its strong sense of community and the fact that it’s less effort than Burning Man. It feels like backyard camping compared to the harshness and vastness of Burning Man.

No Info Booth at Nowhere 2024
For anyone attending Nowhere for the first time, my advice is to keep an open mind, explore the workshops, and take it easy. Embrace the intimacy, the connections, and the unique experiences that Nowhere has to offer.
After the burn, Avner and I took an extended road trip back to Portugal. We visited San Sebastián, Bilbao, Madrid, and Salamanca. It was my first time exploring the northern coast of Spain, and I fell in love with the landscape and the lushness of nature. During the journey, Avner and I had the chance to decompress, talk about our experiences, and reminisce about the new friends we made. We also fell in love with Spain all over again—it’s definitely one of our favorite countries in the world!

Cathedral in Salamanca, Madrid