Once upon a time, I wasn’t much of a reader. Sure I knew reading was important to my well-being but I never had the concentration or the time for it. One or two books a year was considered quite a success.
In the past few years, I have successfully developed the habit of reading, especially after I started traveling. I gave up on having physical books since they add a lot of weight to my backpack and switched to digital books. My iPhone is my bookshelf. Now I carry over a hundred books on my phone everywhere I go. I LOVE reading on my phone because I can read anywhere, anytime! Sitting on a plane for 10 hours is now my favorite place to read. And a perfect day-off to me now is reading my books without interruption.
I started setting goals on the number of books I wanted to read every year. First it was 5 then 10. The past two years the goal was 20 and I successfully reached that goal as well!
So here in this post, I am excited to share with you the 23 books I read in 2021 (in chronological order):
- *Karmic Management – Geshe Michael Roach
- Happy Money – Ken Honda
- The Tenth Insight – James Redfield
- Believe IT – Jamie Kern Lima
- Greenlights – Matthew McConaughey
- On Fire – John O’Leary
- The Traveler’s Choice – Andy Andrews
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck – Mark Manson
- The Little Things – Andy Andrews
- Atomic Habits – James Clear
- The Obstacle Is The Way – Ryan Holiday
- The Mastery Of Love – Don Miguel Ruiz
- Getting The Love You Want- Harville Hendrix, Helen LaKelly Hunt
- The Ride Of A Lifetime – Robert Iger
- The Big Leap – Gay Hendricks
- Your Faith Is Your Fortune – Neville Goddard
- Freedom For All – Neville Goddard
- Prayer – The Art Of Believing – Neville Goddard
- Out Of This World – Neville Goddard
- Feeling Is The Secret – Neville Goddard
- The 7-Day Mental Diet – Emmet Fox
- The Power Of Awareness – Neville Goddard
- Living With A Seal – Jesse Itzler
I wish I could dive a little bit into each book but that’s going to take a while. So here, I’ll share my top 3!

#1 – ‘Believe IT’
My favorite is definitely ‘Believe IT’ by Jamie Kern Lima. I wrote a post right after I finished the book reflecting on the book and the insights from it. This book is captivating and inspiring to the max! It’s just amazing to see how Jamie went from working as a waitress at Denny’s, not knowing how to create a product or build a business, getting no’s everywhere she asked, to building a company that got bought by Amazon for 1 billion dollars in cash, becoming friends with Oprah, and the first and only female CEO in the history of L’Oreal. The way she shares her stories in the book is raw and real. I can feel her from her words and it definitely inspired me being also an entrepreneur to never give up. It doesn’t take talent to create something great. It takes grit, love and the sincere intention to serve. Jamie, you’re my hero!

#2 – ‘Greenlights’
My number two is ‘Greenlights’ by Matthew McCougnney. Because of the hype generated around the book, I decided to read it and I wasn’t disappointed at all! Some friend told me the audio version is even better! The book was the type of book that’s hard to put down once you start. He has a brilliant way to tell his stories and shares his insights and takeaways from his life experiences. To me, he used to be just a rom-com guy, an actor that sometimes does make good movies, but the book totally changed my perception of him. I love reading autobiographies of people and their life stories. Matthew was authentic in his sharing and I resonated a lot with his insights.

#3 – ‘Getting The Love You Want’
Lastly, the book I want to share is ‘Getting The Love You Want’. It’s probably the best book I have read about intimate relationships. I read that whole book in one go. The book reframes the way we generally see romantic relationships and the purpose of two people coming together. There’s so much goodness that could come out of a relationship once we know how to navigate and relate and thus create the most gratifying journey with our partner. If you ever want to read a book on relationships, this should be number one! I am still praying that one day Avner will read it too. 😉
This year my goal is to read 25 books and I can’t wait to share the snippets, insights, and my thoughts on them with you!