I started my first company in 2012 with my partner at that time.
Building and running my first company taught me many things as you can imagine. It groomed me into an entrepreneur. I had so much drive in me that I didn’t mind working til 2am and on most weekends. I felt like I grew from a naive little girl to a hardworking woman. Thanks to the company and our clients, I got to attend many exclusive events and amazing venues. And I also got to learn everything from photography, to building a team, to marketing, bookkeeping… all that jazz.

It was a company that I was proud of. Our tag line was “Celebrating Life Together”. I love that we were always the life of the party. Clients hire us to entertain their guests with our photobooth and silly props. But our vibes were our true service. Making everybody happy and spreading positivity everywhere we went.

It was a great journey to say the least. As all good things come to an end. After almost 6 years, I exited the company in 2018.
Since then, I have created many other businesses. I tried making and selling candles, started my own brand producing and selling eco-friendly products, dropshipping on eBay, etc. I like to get hands-on experience in many things and always curious to try something new.
The entrepreneurial journey isn’t rainbow and sunshine. Having no boss to report to and the freedom to set my own schedule are all the shiny things people think entrepreneurship is like. While it is true but it’s also a double-edged sword. So many times I wished I had a boss to tell me what to do. Most of the time I had no idea what I was doing, trying to find my way in the dark.
I vividly remember one day, seeing my company wasn’t really picking up. I thought to myself. I really suck at being an entrepreneur. I mean I don’t have negotiation skills, I don’t know how to communicate with my employees, I don’t know how to market or sell, I am not really doing my book right.
But I also remember having that realization but being fine with it. I thought “I am okay that I suck at this. But I am willing to give it a go and get better.”
I might not have great negotiation skills but I’m learning. I might not know how to communicate at times, but I am learning as well.
I don’t think I am the best, the most talented, but one thing I know is I don’t mind trying. My strength is my tenacity, my curiosity, my willingness to give things a go.
Some might say that’s the most important trait of being an entrepreneur.
Getting back up again and again. Keep moving forward again and again. It’s not the how or the what. It’s simply the motion of doing again and again and again.
Nobody is naturally good at something. Even the best musician starts from not knowing how to play music. Even the best chef was once a bad chef. We all start from the same place.
Some say perfectionism is a modern-day disease. It stops us from trying. We want to avoid failing because it makes us feel like we are not good enough. I am not sure why and when we started believing in that or started conditioning ourselves to feel that way. Instead of looking at us failing, why not look at us trying?
Instead of looking at us not doing good enough, why not be proud of ourselves trying something even when we are not good at it?
Being totally present in the journey with curiosity and commitment to grow – is the key to feeling fulfilled and alive.
The cliche – The journey is better than reaching the destination. It’s true.
We might scratch our head, feel like we are not good enough, not sure where to go, what to do. But if we are willing to keep going no matter what, we will eventually find the way, we will eventually find the gold.
Not trying is worse than failing.
What are you willing to try? Let’s give it a go regardless!